Stephan Schillerwein c/o Xing Stephan Schillerwein c/o Linkedin

Mitmachen beim Global Intranet Survey 2008

Veröffentlicht am Juni 1, 2008 by Stephan Schillerwein

Bereits zum dritten mal wird dieses Jahr der „Global Intranet Survey“ von Jane McConnell (NetStrategy/JMC) durchgeführt.
Neu können sich interessierte Unternehmen diesmal bis zum 6. Juni vor registrieren, um ihnen wichtige Themenstellungen für diese internationale Studie vorzuschlagen.
Die Durchführung der Studie erfolgt dann ab ca. Ende Juni bis Mitte August.

Als konzeptioneller Partner von Jane für diese Studie freue ich mich auf viele Teilnehmer und auf wie immer spannende Ergebnisse.
Weitere Infos hier direkt von Jane:
Applications are now open for the 2008 Global Intranet & Portal Strategies Survey. Organised by Jane McConnell of NetStrategy/JMC, this will make the 3rd annual edition.
If you are not familiar with the survey, you can read some key observations from 2007 on JMC’s blog Globally Local: 2007 Highlights. All survey participants receive a free copy of the Global Intranet Trends report. (Table of contents from 2007).
The 2008 survey will investigate new topics such as internal social networking and more details on 2.0 applications. Continuing issues such as the single point of access, ROI, overall positioning of the intranet in the organisation and many other points will also be covered.
Organisations are asked to sign up in advance. All you need to do is send an email (using your professional email address) to specifying your name, title or role on the intranet, your organisation’s name, number of employees and the URL of your public web site. You will find more information on the Signup information page on the NetStrategy/JMC web.
As a participant, you have the opportunity to contribute to the topics and questions for 2008. After you sign up, you will receive a link to a 5-minute Quick Poll inviting you to give feedback on what is the most relevant for you at this point in time and to suggest specific topics and questions if you wish. The Quick Poll will be open until June 6th.
The survey itself will take place between end June and mid August. Do not hesitate to get in touch directly with Jane at if you have any questions or comments.

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